MCU, MPU, DSP & embedded software


Arduino shield simplificerer brugen af fibreoptiske datalinks i MPU designs

Arduino shield simplificerer brugen af fibreoptiske datalinks i MPU designs

OMC præsenterer H19 fiberoptisk shield, der er kompatibel med Arduino Uno, så man let kan demontrere, hvordan et optisk datalink kan inkorporeres i et microprocessor-baseret design (in english).

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OMC, the pioneer in optoelectronics design & manufacture, has launched an H19 fibre optic shield, compatible with Arduino Uno, to demonstrate how an optical fibre datalink can easily be incorporated into a microprocessor-based design. The shields combine transmitter, receiver and all necessary drivers plus digital output which is ideal for interfacing with MPUs. An all-in-one design simplifies the receiver circuit and avoids having to design and include the traditional pin diode amplifier and Schmitt trigger circuits needed to give a digital output.

- Certain applications require total confidence in the integrity of the data transmission. Fibre optic datalinks are reliable, totally secure, noise-free, interference-proof and electrically-isolated. These shields have been designed to simplify the process of integrating fibre optic datalinks into a digital system, says William Heath, OMC’s Commercial Director.

The shield is designed for use with the Arduino Uno and is stackable. It has jumpers for both transmitter and receiver devices. An example program is provided which shows a datalink using the UART ports to transmit data over the optical fibre link. Data can be monitored either by using the serial monitor of the Arduino software, or the code is written to interface with a standard 16x2 LCD shield which can be stacked on top of the fibre shield.

The shield can be used with any of the available microprocessor baud rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200. The actual fibre optic emitter and receiver pair can operate up to 5Mbd - the shield is simply a way of demonstrating the potential of incorporating an optical fibre link into a design.

The shield can be used with PMMA cables up to 25 metres long in the standard configuration. For extended range OMC can offer a high power emitter option and also devices suitable for use with glass fibre if PMMA is not suitable in the application. The transmitter and receivers can be ordered separately to build into customers’ own designs. Other cable lengths and alternative fibre/jacket types are also available on request. OMC can also offer the transmitter and receiver parts in this shield mounted in alternative housings to connect with different fibre types. 

About OMC

Founded in the mid-1980s as The Fibre-Data Group, OMC is one of the longest-established specialist manufacturers optoelectronics in Europe, headquartered in Cornwall, UK.

Accredited to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 and winners of the UK National Electronic Component Award for Innovation and the Elektra Award for Excellence in Product Design for High Reliability Systems, OMC is a pioneer in the development, manufacture and application of cutting-edge LED and fibre-optic technologies for a wide range of industries and companies worldwide, and places a major focus on research and development, engineering and innovation.

OMC’s commitment to the highest standards of quality, performance and engineering support is recognised within the industry. OMC has four key manufacturing divisions: Fibre Optics; LED Backlights and Optical Mouldings; Discrete Optoelectronic Components; and Industrial LED Lighting Components.

1/7 2024
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