element14-webinar sætter fokus på FPGA'er og deres muligheder
element14 afvikler den 15. december webinaret 'Level-Up Your FPGA Skills: An Expert Panel Discussion', hvor førende eksperter fra Xilinx, Microchip og Lattice vil diskuterede de nyeste tendenser i FPGA-verdenen (in english).
Del artiklen på element14, an Avnet Community, has announced an upcoming informational webinar: Leveling-Up Your FPGA Skills: An Expert Panel Discussion. During the session, experts from Xilinx, Microchip and Lattice will inform element14 community members on the latest in FPGA, including future FPGA technology needs and design tool trends that engineers and designers should consider in new product designs. The panel will conclude with a demo of each panelist’s favorite FPGA development board, followed by an audience Q&A.Over the course of the webinar, the expert panel will respond to several questions from members of the element14 Community collected throughout element14’s Summer of FPGA events including our first panel discussion: Getting Started with FPGAs. They will also talk through the future of FPGA design tools and the future of FPGA devices. Avnet’s Senior Technical Marketing Engineer, Tom Curran, will be moderating the panel.
Panelists include:
• Jayson Bethurem, Product Line Manager at Xilinx: With over 20 years of Xilinx design, technical support, training and marketing experience, Jayson leads the design of multiple evaluation boards
• Martin Kellerman, Business Development Manager for FPGA at Microchip: Martin uses his deep FPGA experience to enable clients to build optimized systems and achieve their requirements using Microchip FPGAs and SoCs. In his previous roles at Xilinx, he created several application notes were created and was granted patents.
• Steve Hossner, Senior Manager, Applications Engineering at Lattice: Steve has more than 20 years of experience using FPGAs and his team is also responsible for developing evaluation boards
The webinar will take place on Wednesday, December 15 from 11:00am-12:00pm CDT. Community members can register here:
24/11 2021