Power, strømforsyning, EMC/ESD


Absorber-sheet dæmper som et afskærmet kabinet

Absorber-sheet dæmper som et afskærmet kabinet

Würth Elektronik lancerer et hybrid WE-EMIP EMI absorber-sheet, der gør det let at forhindre elektromagnetisk interferens (in english).

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Würth Elektronik launches its hybrid WE-EMIP EMI absorber sheet, a convenient solution for preventing electromagnetic interference. The integrated adhesive layer makes the patch easy to stick on. It offers high attenuation exceeding 40 dB over a wide frequency range. Both isolated and non-isolated versions are available. The non-isolated version allows the option of earthing.

The hybrid absorber sheet consisting of EMI absorber material and aluminum layer is now available in the following sizes: as a sheet 105 × 74 mm, 297 × 210 mm or as a roll 15 m × 50 mm. Würth Elektronik offers a product to get EMC problems associated with radiated emission under control in an easy way and to protect sensitive components. The patch offers up to 12 times higher attenuation than previously available absorber sheets and helps achieve attenuation values otherwise attainable only with shielding cabinets.

28/8 2024