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Bevægelses sensorboard bruger Doppler Shift teknologi

Bevægelses sensorboard bruger Doppler Shift teknologi

MIKROE udvider firmaets familie af Click boards med nyt bevægelses-sensorboard, der benytter Doppler Shift teknologi, og kan bruges i en lang række applikationssammenhænge (in english).

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MikroElektronika (MIKROE), the embedded solutions company that dramatically cuts development time by providing innovative hardware and software products based on proven standards, has introduced a new motion sensor Click board, to support the development of intrusion alarms, automatic door openers, presence-sensing applications, and more.

Microwave 4 Click utilizes the Doppler Shift phenomenon to sense motion. It is based on the PD-V12, a miniature high-frequency microwave transceiver from Ningbo Pdlux Electronic Technology. This motion sensor is a K-band Bi-Static Doppler transceiver module.

It is housed in a metal can and features a built-in resonator oscillator (CRO), providing a stable operation as it improves its front signal-receiving ability and reduces its blind area. The Microwave 4 Click detects the frequency shift between a transmitted and a received signal reflected from a moving object within the field of view of the transceiver.

The radiated power (EIRP) emissions of

Nebojsa Matic, CEO of MIKROE comments:

- Microwave 4 Click is one of nearly 100 motion sensor Clicks, and one of over 500 sensor Clicks that we offer. Our aim is to offer a very wide range of peripheral add-on boards to enable the embedded design engineer to have the widest possible choice.

Click boards enable design engineers to change peripherals easily, cutting months off development time. The mikroBUS socket standard enables any Click board to be instantly connected to the microcontroller or microprocessor on a main board. Many leading microcontroller companies including Microchip, NXP, Infineon, Dialog, STM, Analog Devices, Renesas and Toshiba now include the mikroBUS socket on their development boards.

2/10 2023
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