Test & måleudstyr


Tektronix udvider programmet af powerløsninger gennem købet af EA Elektro-AutomatikThe management team of Tektronix and EA Elektro-Automatik.

Tektronix udvider programmet af powerløsninger gennem købet af EA Elektro-Automatik

Gennem købet af EA Elektro-Automatik kan Tektronix nu udvide produktporteføljen med bl.a. et program af højeffektive regnerative strømforsyninger (in english)

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Tektronix, Inc, a leading provider in test and measurement solutions, has acquired EA Elektro-Automatik (EA), a principal supplier of high-power electronic test solutions for energy storage, mobility, hydrogen, and renewable energy applications.

The introduction of EA to the Tektronix team provides the company with expanded solutions, leveraging Tektronix’s industry-leading oscilloscopes and isolated probes, EA’s high-efficiency power supplies and electronic loads, and Keithley’s high-precision source meters and instrumentation.

Combined, the Tektronix portfolio offers a unique set of capabilities for energy storage and power electronics design needs, from ultra-low to ultra-high power. With the addition of EA, Tektronix is better equipped than ever to serve engineers who are electrifying our world.

- Our customers are facing challenges in delivering safe and reliable power electronics designs that incorporate new technologies such as high energy density batteries, efficient electric motors, smart power inverters, and wide-bandgap semiconductors, for high power and performance to electrify industries and meet an ever-increasing energy demand to power our world, says Markus Schyboll, CEO of EA Elektro-Automatik.

- Many companies offer partial power electronics design solutions, but now Tektronix offers an extensive set of products for industry-wide electrification, adds Chris Bohn, Tektronix President.

- These aren’t just any regenerative power supplies. EA equipment adds high-efficiency regenerative power capabilities to the Tektronix portfolio that are critical to supporting our future-facing electrification goals

From analysis of power electronics performance dynamics with Tektronix MSO oscilloscopes and IsoVu probes, to semiconductor characterization and quality control for low power/high precision designs with Keithley SMUs and precision measurement instruments, and now with the addition of EA solutions to the portfolio, Tektronix can offer solutions up to 3.8 megawatt with industry-leading regenerative efficiency >96% to cover the full range of customer power needs.

EA’s power supplies complement the Tektronix portfolio of cutting-edge scopes, probes, SMUs, and precision measurement instruments, allowing users to scale up in voltage to 2,000V or current up to 64,000A with a low noise regenerative instrument to minimize added heat and EMI noise - ensuring the best possible testing when using Tektronix, Keithley, and EA-branded test and measurement products.

15/4 2024